Karma has always intrigued me. It’s not just some abstract notion floating in the ether; it’s the undeniable ripple effect of our actions echoing back to us in ways we often don’t expect. It holds us accountable, whether we like it or not, and reminds us that every decision we make – whether deliberate or careless – comes with consequences.
But karma isn’t just about punishment – it’s about balance. It forces us to face the wreckage of our decisions and confront the truths we’ve tried so hard to avoid.
There’s a unique audacity in ignoring the truth when it stares us in the face. Some people play innocent, pretending they never saw the signs, claiming, “I didn’t realise”. But choosing ignorance doesn’t absolve anyone of responsibility. It just highlights the extent some will go to avoid accountability while the damage they’ve caused lingers.
These kinds of people choose to ignore everything because acknowledging the truth would mean admitting their own role in the destruction. They saw the red flags, felt the warnings deep down, but still looked away. Why? Because it was easier. Because it suited them. Because acknowledging the truth would have meant facing uncomfortable consequences – losing pleasure, a position of privilege, or an illusion they desperately wanted to hold onto.
So, they excused the lies, overlooked the manipulation, and dismissed the hurt they were complicit in. Not because they didn’t know, but because they didn’t want to know. And when everything crumbles, they feign shock, and anger, acting as though they had no idea of the harm they helped enable.
Then there are those who harm knowingly, moving with precision and selfish intent. They don’t stumble into wrongdoing; they walk into it deliberately. They manipulate, deceive, steal, badmouth others, step over boundaries – whatever it takes to get what they want. Their justification? That the end justifies the means. That if they win, the destruction left behind doesn’t matter.
But here’s the scariest part: both types can exist in the same person. The one who pretends they didn’t know is often the same one who, at other times, knew exactly what they were doing. People can switch between the two, depending on what benefits them in the moment. One day, they’re turning a blind eye; the next, they’re the mastermind. They pick and choose when to be innocent and when to be ruthless, depending on which serves them best.
But life has a way of settling its own scores, and karma is patient.
Karma isn’t just about punishment – it’s about balance. It forces us to face the wreckage of our decisions and confront the truths we’ve tried so hard to avoid. It’s a mirror reflecting the harm we’ve caused, stripping away excuses until only the reality remains. Some get trapped in their own hypocrisy, becoming the victim of the same injustices they once enabled or ignored.
Then there are those who become prisoners of their own guilt, waited by what they have done. The shame that follows is unavoidable, as they are forced to face the consequences of their actions. For some, this reckoning feels like poetic justice, especially when those who set out to hurt others end up trapped by their own web of deceit.
I’ve seen it happen. People who thought they could undermine, deceive, or destroy someone else found themselves consumed by the chaos they created. They invested so much energy plotting and tearing others down, only to find their plans backfiring spectacularly. The irony?
The person they tried to break remained unscathed, standing strong amidst their storm. Their silence, dignity, and refusal to stoop to the same level became their greatest victory. Karma did the work for them, delivering justice without them having to lift a finger.
But let’s not pretend karma’s reckoning is always immediate or obvious. Sometimes, it takes years for the consequences to unfold. And in the meantime, those responsible might believe they’ve escaped unscathed. They might even convince themselves that they were justified or misunderstood. Yet, karma doesn’t forget. It waits patiently, ensuring that no stone is left unturned.
And when it finally comes knocking, there will be no excuses left to hide behind.
Another banger! 💥
Thank you Emily!!!
It’s the ones who ‘didn’t know’ that are the worst… because they DID!
LOL .. I feel you!
This blog hit HARD. The truth always comes out, no matter how long it takes. People pretend not to see the red flags when it benefits them. Then act surprised when it all falls apart.
Just what I said. Karma is a scale called ‘balance’.
When you dig a hole for someone else, make sure you’re not standing in it too. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Always the wise one, Nyasha 🙂